We are glad you are interested in what God is doing at A Place of Hope. When you visit our church, we hope you feel right at home, and sense God in this place!
We want you to experience what it’s like to live a dynamic life… the one that God has always wanted for you. God loves you and has an incredible plan for you. Please come this week and experience what life is meant to be, as we live out a passionate commitment to Jesus Christ, His cause, and community.
We tell our church that we like a battleship. Many churches are like a cruise ship where everyone is having fun dancing, drinking and eating and only a small percentage is working. We want a church where everyone is working and fighting against the enemy we have no time to gossip or fight with each other because we are too busy healing the injured and preparing others to go out to battle. We want a church that is constantly sending out people to do the mission that Christ has commanded us to do. So if this is what you are looking for in a church we welcome you to come join us in battle.
Our desire and prayer for you, is that you will have an incredible worship experience with the God who loves you and that you will develop an intimate personal relationship with Him. May God open your eyes to all that He has for you.
Senior Pastors.
Eddie & Martha Rodriguez